To All Adult Members of Tynemouth Scouts​​​​​ ​​​​​December 2021 Tynemouth District Commissioner After nearly 4 years as Tynemouth District Commissioner, Darren Bailey has decided to step down from the role with effect from the 31st December 2021. The County would like to place on record its thanks to Darren for his time in the role […]
Scouts launch Squirrels
Scouts launch Squirrels – a brand new programme for 4-5 year olds is on the way This is the first new addition to Scouts in 35 years, Squirrels supports early years children to learn essential skills for life!! Scouts in Tynemouth are today launching a new programme is on the way, tailor-made for 4 and […]
35 Years of Beaver Scouts
Activities to help you celebrate As we celebrate 35 years of Beaver Scouts in 2021, I have compiled a list of activity ideas you could use in your colonies to celebrate. You could try these with your Colony (in-person or online) or with your family at home. These activities will fit into many of our […]
District Update – May 2021
As the District gradually starts to get back to some form of normal scouting, we have started looking at the way forward and how we can support groups, units and the wider District right now and in the future. District Appointments Updates and Vacancies We have decided to create two new Deputy District Commissioner Roles […]
Christmas Service 2020
As we can’t do the Christmas Carol Service we had planned for Christmas this year, we would like to put together a Virtual Christmas Service similar to what we did earlier in the year for St Georges Day. There are a number of things we need you to get involved with, whether you’re a Hedgehog, […]
Tynemouth Gang Show
Dear All, It will come as no surprise that the Gang Show Executive has made the inevitable decision to postpone the 2020 Gang Show. We very much hope to stage Tynemouth Gang Show at some future date but, due to current circumstances, we are unable to commit ourselves to exactly when this will be possible. […]
Compliance Training
Adult volunteers are at the heart of Scouting, and we hope that you will get every bit as much out of it as you put in. Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of adults within the Movement. To support adults in Scouting, UK Scouts provides a comprehensive programme of […]
New Name .. New Neckerchief
We are delighted to share the announcement that the 13th Tynemouth Scouts (Holy Cross) have now changed their group name to coincide with their location. The group will now be called 13th Howdon Scouts. The Group Executive Committee decided to change their group name along with allowing the young people to design a brand new […]
National Gang Show 2022
Tynemouth Gang Show have been asked to seek an expression of interest for any cast or crew that would like to take part in the National Gang Show 2022, which will be made up of members of all of the UK Gang Shows to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Gang Show. It is hoped […]
Annual General Meetings
The following information has been taken directly from We’d recommend that Counties/Areas, Districts and Groups in England and Wales should follow the advice from the Charity Commission which is summarised below. 15/05/20 The Charity Commission have provided the following information in relation to holding an AGM during this crisis. Coronavirus is having a major […]