Welcome to Tynemouth Scouts
Thank you for taking on a new volunteering role in Tynemouth Scouts. The information below gives you an overview of Scouting in our local area, key contacts, and an idea of what you will be doing and what resources and support you should receive.
Tynemouth Scouts aims to offer challenge and adventure to all its members. We believe in helping our young people fulfil their potential by working in teams, learning by doing and thinking for themselves. We’re working to make Scouting available to all and we’re passionate about what we do.
Through the adventure of Scouting young people get to take risks in a safe environment and have their first taste of responsibility. We give young people experiences they’ll never forget. The sort of adventure we offer is the chance to experience something different and the opportunity for young people to discover their potential. Whether it’s a Beaver Scout waking up the morning after their first sleepover, or a Scout Network member completing an international expedition – that’s adventure.
All this is made possible by the efforts of our dedicated team of hard working voluntary adults. Our training scheme and one-to-one support ensures that each of our volunteers gets to make the best use of their skills and talents.
Our adults have a responsibility to make the Programme they deliver to young people fun and exciting. They also make sure that it is safe. The Scout Association’s policies, rules, code of behaviour and advice on child protection and safety are there to ensure our young people stay safe while they enjoy themselves and learn.
Thanks once again, and welcome aboard!
Phil Rowell
District Commissioner
Tynemouth Scouts

Young People in the District
Tynemouth Scouts covers the areas of Tynemouth, North Shields, Meadow Well, Percy Main, Howdon, Wallsend and Battlehill. There are over 800 young people and over 270 adults in the District today and the District is one of 10 in Northumberland County Scouts.
Young people in the District are members of Squirrel Dreys (aged 4-6 years), Beaver Scout Colonies (aged 6-8 years), Cub Scout Packs (aged 8-10 ½ years), Scout Troops (aged 10 ½-14 years), Explorer Scout Units (aged 14-18 years) and the Scout Network (aged 18-25 years).
Scout Groups
Squirrel Scout Dreys, Beaver Scout Colonies, Cub Scout Packs and Scout Troops are organised into Scout Groups, of which there are 13 in the District. Explorer Scout Young Leaders may work in these Groups.
Take a look at our groups page for more details of our groups

Explorer Scout Units
Explorer Scouting is organised at District level and is managed by the District Explorer Scout Commissioner, desc@tynemouthscouts.org.uk.
There are 50+ Explorer Scouts in the District, who attend one of 3 Explorer Scout Units or the Young Leader Unit:
Coast Explorer Scout Unit, Scout HQ, Manor Road, Tynemouth, North Shields
North Shields Explorer Scout Unit, N.S. Methodist Church, Hawkeys Lane, North Shields
Wallsend Explorer Scout Unit, Family Gateway (Howdon Community Centre), Denbigh Avenue, Howdon, Wallsend.
Young Leaders Unit, Tynemouth District Headquarters, North Shields.
Scout Network
Our Explorer Scouts move on to Scout Network at the age of 18. At 18 they may also become Scout Active Support Members or take on an adult appointment. The contact for Scout Network is:
District Scout Network Commissioner, dsnc@tynemouthscouts.org.uk
Scout Active Support
The District is support by a group of former Scout Leaders and Lay members. The SAS is for anyone over the age of 18 years. It is a way for adults to volunteer time to Scouting in a flexible way that suits them. The SAS is run by our SAS Manager, SAS@tynemouthscouts.org.uk

Adults in the District
Tynemouth District is led by our District Commissioner Phil Rowell who is responsible for everything that happens in the District and can be contacted at tynemouthdc@northumberandscouts.org.uk. He works alongside his team of Deputies Christina Ponting & Steph Doughty.
In order to provide Scouting for the 800+ young people in Tynemouth District, we also currently have 270+ adult volunteers in a variety of different roles. Some adults, for example Explorer Scout Leaders, work directly with young people on a regular basis. Others, such as Assistant District Commissioners, work to either support or manage other adults. We are all helping to provide better quality Scouting for young people.
Some useful groups of people within the District are listed below.
District team
The District team is led by the District Commissioner and includes Deputy District Commissioners (DDC’s), the District Youth Commissioner Team (DYC’s / DDYC), District Explorer Scout Commissioner (DESC), District Scout Network Commissioner (DSNC), Assistant District Commissioners (ADC’s), District Scouters, Scout Active Support Managers (SAS) and other adults who hold a management or supporting role in the District. The team supports the District Commissioner in the running of the District.
District Executive Committee
The District Executive Committee is the body that is responsible for the management of the District – including fundraising and financial administration, supervising the administration of Groups, financing Explorer Scout Units, appointing sub-Committees and presenting the annual report. They are the trustees of the District. The Executive Committee is led by the District Chairperson, David Littlefield.
View District Executive Committee and the role of the District Executive Committee.

District Appointments Advisory Committee
The Appointments Advisory Committee deals with the appointment of adults in the District. You may have a meeting with some of them as part of your application to take on a role in Scouting. They will also be able to help if you have questions about appointing a new adult or carrying out a review. If you have any queries you can email of Appointments Secretary on appointments@tynemouthscouts.org.uk
Scout Active Support Units
Scout Active Support Units are groups of adults who support Scouting in a flexible way. They are here to provide active support to local Scouting in a variety of ways. This could include specialist provision such as activity instructors or a campsite service team, or more general provision such as helping to run events. In addition, they may be able to provide short term support for Section Meetings. Each Unit will have a service agreement that outlines how they support local Scouting.
Assistant District Commissioners
Assistant District Commissioners may provide support to particular areas of Scouting within the District. For example, the Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scouts) may provide support and encouragement to Cub Scout Leaders, visit Cub Scout Packs, organise District Cub Scout events and hold District Leaders’ meetings.
Check out the Meet the Team on the district website for contact details of the current team
Uniform and Member Details
The adult Scout uniform is a stone coloured long or short sleeved shirt or blouse, neckerchief (Group, District, County, Universal, Active Support) and Scout belt. Other optional items of uniform include navy activity trousers, navy smart trousers or skirt, and more informal items such as a polo shirt, shorts and fleece.
Each Group has a different coloured neckerchief which its Members wear. Our District Team, Explorer Scout Units and Network wear a District neckerchief and the County has a specific neckerchief. Other national neckerchiefs are available (for example the Gilwell neckerchief or Scout Active Support neckerchief).
Members of Scouting who have made their Promise wear the Membership Badge. This badge is the same for all Scouts around the World.
If you need to get any uniform you can purchase it from the UK Scouts online store at https://shop.scouts.org.uk/uniforms/scouts. If you are not sure what you need your Group Scout Leader will be able to help you.
You can get badges for yourself and others from The District Badge Secretary who sells badges from the District HQ at the District drop in session on the last Saturday in the month between 10am – 12pm or by emailing your order to badges@tynemouthscouts.org.uk.
A Membership fee is paid for every young person in Scouting; adult volunteers are not charged.
You may be asked to complete an Adult information Form and Identity Form to pass to the Appointments Secretary, or your line manager may enter your information direct into the ‘Compass’ and ‘Atlantic’ systems and a DBS is requested.

As part of your role you will receive training to help you gain the skills that you will need. The Scout Association operates a flexible modular Adult Training Scheme, which covers all of the knowledge you will need and takes into account any skills and experience that you may already have. If you have not been allocated a Training Advisor one will be allocated to you by the County Training Manager who will be able to explain the training scheme and help you decide what training is appropriate for you.
What is The Scout Association Training Scheme?
A requirement of all leaders with The Scout Association is that they are able to demonstrate their ability to carry out their role. The Scout Association provides a nationally recognised adult training scheme which lays out clearly what is required and the necessary training to provide the skills to achieve this. Once successfully completed a leader will be awarded their Woodbadge.
How do you access the Adult Training Scheme?
The training scheme is accessed in several different ways:
- Through locally delivered training courses.
- Through online learning for some modules.
- Through workbooks for some modules.
- Through the recognition of prior learning.
Most people choose to plan their learning by mixing and matching these various methods. The choice of method is largely a matter of the individual’s preferred learning style and in some cases previous experience.
Step 1 – Complete the Initial Modules
When you have had met with your Group Scout Leader and/or the District Appointments Advisory Committee, you will have been given some initial information about your training journey.
This will have included asking you to complete two initial modules online in your own time, these modules will give you an outline of what Scouting is about and the ethos of what we do. You can access these modules by clicking on the links.
Once you have completed these modules you should print of the certificates and store them somewhere safe.
Step 2 – Validate your Learning
After completing the two online modules your next step is to put into practice what you have learnt. This is what is commonly referred to as ‘Validation’.
To validate your learning we ask you to complete two activities;
- Complete a risk assessment.
This could be for an activity you have been asked to help with. - Take part in a ceremony within your section and
run a game.
We ask that you obtain a witness testimony from someone who has completed their training.
Once you have these documents. Either ask your Training Advisor to sign them off for you or send them to the County Training Manager for validation.
Step 3 – Arrange to attend your first training session – Induction
Following your meeting with the Appointments Advisory Committee, arrangements will be made for you to be invited to the next available Induction course (Module 2); this invite will come from the Training Team at Northumberland Scouts.
During this process you will also be given your Scout Association membership number. This number will enable your training progress to be tracked on The Scout Association database as well as give you access to a host of resources, tools and advice on The Scout Association website at
Don’t forget to book your Induction Training, steps 1 to 3 along with GDPR training should be completed within 5 months of your appointment.
All training courses are booked using the county website – Adult Support – Getting Started
www.northumberlandscouts.org.uk – for your training needs, calendar and view Links for useful resources.
You can find out more about the Adult Training Scheme at www.scouts.org.uk/learnersresources.
Any questions email: County Training Manager: training@northumberlandscouts.org.uk
District Drop In
The District Drop In takes place on the last Saturday in the month between 10am – 12pm where a number of the district team will be on had to help with training, process DBS checks, offer advice and support or just to catch up with.
Tynemouth Scouts News
Tynemouth Scouts News is a monthly newsletter which is emailed to all Adult Members within Tynemouth Scouts. The purpose of this is to keep our adult volunteers up to date with news from around Tynemouth Scouts and different events that are taking place. If you have any news you would like to be circulated or would like to give a hand in producing TSN please email contact@tynemouthscouts.org.uk
A Quick Checklist
Have you received the following resources?
- Young People First – Safeguarding (Yellow Card) A small card which contains The Scout Association’s Child Protection Policy. All adults working in Scouting must have a copy

- Staying Safe – Safety Checklist for Leaders (White Card) Checklist for Leaders with variations for Managers and Executive committees

- What to do in an Emergency (Purple Card)What to do in an emergency and in particular if the situation requires Headquarters to be informed

- Young People First – Guidance for Young Leaders (Orange Card) Code of Conduct for Young Adults

- Alcohol Policy (Green Card)

Scouting magazine
Scouting magazine is sent to all adult members termly. It currently has a supplement ‘Make Do and Share’ full of ideas for all sections.
If you are missing something please contact your Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner.
Where to go for more Information
District Website
County Website
National Website
Facebook Groups
District Leaders Group: /TynemouthScouts(Leaders and Supporters)
District Page: /TynemouthScouts
Scout Information Centre
The Information Centre is based at the UK Headquarters at Gilwell Park and provides a single point of contact if you are seeking information or resources relating to any aspect of scouting. It is open 8am to 7pm Weekdays and 9am-12noon on Saturdays.
Phone: 0845 300 1818
Email: info@scouts.org.uk
Web: www.scouts.org.uk
A wide range of information and resources to support you in your role in Scouting are available online. You may need your membership number (found on your appointment card or the carrier sheet of your copy of Scouting magazine) to sign in.
Scout Shops
Scout Shops, online at www.scouts.org.uk/shop sells a large range of Scouting items, including uniform, badges, casual clothing, camping equipment, souvenirs and gifts. All profits are channelled back into Scouting.
Compass is the online adult management system. This is where you will find your record of your role(s), training, permits and contact preferences. To register for Compass make sure you have your membership number to hand and that your Compass record holds your valid email address. If you do not have your membership number, or do not know what details are stored on compass for you, please speak to your line manager to add it or update it.
- Go to https://compass.scouts.org.uk
- Click ‘Register for yor account’ and enter information, following on screen instructions
- Click ‘Submit’
- Any errors will be highlighted. Correct these and click ‘Submit’ again
- If no errors, or when successful, click ‘Sign into your account’
- Enter your username and password
- Click ‘Log in’. You will be taken to your homepage.
- Check the details held are correct.
- Update your Contact Preferences. Go to the ‘My Profile’ and click on ‘Communications’ and click ‘Edit’ and set you contact preferences.
- Update your hobbies, interests and skills.
The Purpose of Scouting
Scouting exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.
The Values of Scouting
As Scouts we are guided by these values:
- Integrity – We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.
- Respect – We have self-respect and respect for others.
- Care – We support others and take care of the world in which we live.
- Belief – We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes.
- Cooperation – We make a positive difference; we cooperate with others and make friends.
The Scout Method
Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:
- enjoy what they are doing and have fun;
- take part in activities indoors and outdoors;
- learn by doing;
- share in spiritual reflection;
- take responsibility and make choices;
- undertake new and challenging activities; and
- make and live by their Promise.
10 Things you may not know about Scouting
- Scouting is for girls as well as boys.
- Scouting is a global movement.
- Young people can join at any stage of their development.
- The Scout Association is a registered charity.
- Scouting is great value!
- Robert Baden-Powell, the Founder of Scouting was recently voted the 13th most influential person of the 20th Century.
- Famous former Scouts include Paul McCartney, Billy Connolly, Stephen Spielberg and David Beckham.
- Each day 100,000 people in the UK take part in Scouting activities.
- Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell’s blueprint for the Scout Movement is one of the most popular books of all time.
- Scouting was 100 in 2007.
Once again, Thank you for taking on your volunteering role within Tynemouth Scouts.
Phil, Christina, Steph
Team Tynemouth

Registered Charity number 504767 District Headquarters, 31-35 Norfolk Street, North Shields, NE30 1NQ