Meet the team
The wider Tynemouth Scouts team is made up of Commissioners, Managers and advisors who provide leadership alongside specialised support for members of Tynemouth Scouts.
Senior Leadership Team
The Senior Leadership Team are responsible for the day to day oversight of the District.
Board of Trustees
The Executive Committee shapes and approves the strategy of The District and monitors our performance against that strategy.
Youth Shape Team
The Youth Shape team ensure we the voices of young people are heard and the Scouting remains relevant.
Team Tynemouth
Team Tynemouth is made up of Commissioners, Managers and advisors who provide leadership alongside specialised support.
Group Scout Leaders
Our Group Scout Leaders manage our local groups and help the District and County Commissioners in ensuring Scouting develops in accordance with the rules and policies of The Scout Association.
Scouting Structure
Scouts is all about connections. Find out how all it all fits together locally and nationally. While there are different groups, units and teams we’re all part of the same family.