To All Adult Members of Tynemouth Scouts​​​​​
​​​​​December 2021
Tynemouth District Commissioner
After nearly 4 years as Tynemouth District Commissioner, Darren Bailey has decided to step down from the role with effect from the 31st December 2021.
The County would like to place on record its thanks to Darren for his time in the role and the achievements he has made leading Tynemouth Scouts.
During the last 4 years the membership of the District has increased to over 1,000 members. 3 new Groups and units have opened (1st Meadow Well, DofE Explorer Scout Unit and Tynemouth Sea Scouts) as well as the launch of a brand-new section (Squirrels). Darren has also led the District on many other projects including the rebranding of the District HQs and the introduction of a new website.
The recruitment process for a new District Commissioner will begin straight away. In the interim period following Darren’s retirement and until a new District Commissioner is appointed, Peter Thorp will take on the role of acting District Commissioner.
Peter can be contacted at
If anyone has any questions please don’t hesitate to let myself or Peter know.
Your Sincerely
Michael Wood-Williams
County Commissioner
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